David Bowie for Kids
How to adequately explain why we fell in love with some musicians is something everyone here at Loog has grappled with, especially when talking to our kids. It’s super hard to do - but we can at least try! This is why we created the “Musicians for Kids” series, where we teach kids about iconic musicians using our Loog monsters.
This time, the only and only David Bowie. What makes him so special? Why is it that people and kids are still falling in love with his music today? We tried to answer these questions in the series below.
Ready to take a leap into Bowiedom? Before you do, make sure you check out our David Bowie for Kids playlist on Spotify to set the mood just right. And keep an eye open for links to a tab sheet to learn to play “The Man Who Sold the World” on your 3-string Loog! (Actually, if you’re dropping over here from social media, there’s no need to scroll down: here’s the tab for “The Man Who Sold the World” for beginner players, and here it is for intermediate players). Enjoy!
Beginner players! Rock “The Man Who Sold the World” by David Bowie on your Loog guitar with this tab!
Intermediate players: here is your tab for “The Man Who Sold the World” by David Bowie.
And guess what!? There's also this animated video that we made to keep celebrating David Bowie's legacy. It's a perfect fit for your little one's bedtime story repertoire 😉
And remember: stay tuned to our Instagram for more iconic rockstars, explained. See you next time!