Short and Sweet: Valentine’s Day Songs under Two Minutes
Ah, remember those good old days when every single date with the right person seemed way too short? Or those few seconds of heartbreak that seemed to go on forever after a break-up?
Valentine’s Day is all about love and love definitely has its own little way of playing with time. So faced with this weekend before the big 2/14, we’ve collected eight tiny songs with big feelings. Short and sweet – just like the Loog!
So here are the final eight; let us know if we missed any short and sweet songs in the comments
Seaside is all about falling in love, falling apart and just wanting to escape somewhere to mend a relationship’s wounds. All of that packed into 1:37 minutes that make you wish there was more.
The White Stripes – Fell in Love with a Girl
Almost two minutes of a song that’s proving to be as timeless as its video – and a potential love train wreck that we just can’t help but listen to.
Cat Power’s two minute rendition to love’s blind faith. Do not press play if you’re single!
Most of The Beatles’ songs are under three minutes, so it was hard to pick just one. I Will is probably the cheesiest song in this list but just as short and sweet.
Frente! – Bizarre Love Triange
This version of New Order’s epic song by Australian rock group Frente! might seem stripped down compared to the original’s flamboyant sound (the band even cuts the length down by half) but the lyrics are still as powerful as ever.
Say what you will about Coldplay but this song is a tiny little gem in what is arguably the band’s best album… and it’s only 47 seconds long.
The Maccabees – Toothpaste Kisses
The video might say the song is 2:40 but take a listen and see for yourself how you’re just left begging for more.
Bright Eyes – First Day of My Life
And if we’re talking about Valentine’s Day, there’s no way anyone can avoid this song. Its three minutes made us cross it off the list at first but we couldn’t resist. Three minutes is still technically short, right?